Most people who don't keep on top of the baseball, football, basketball and hockey card and memorabilia markets don't understand what value their older items may have today. While Price Guides are helpful, it's important to not just understand the Book Value, but also the Market Value of your older cards and memorabilia before you sell them in order to have realistic expectations.

We can help organize and value your larger collections and select an auction house or similar to help you sell your items for the greatest value. Contact us to find out more.




Looking to sell your sports memorabilia, baseball card, basketball card, football card or hockey card collection in Denver and need some guidance? Not sure how to maximize the value without a lot of effort? Let us help you do the work, appraise your collection, help find an auction house to sell your collection through. If you're interested, review the RULES OF THUMB for selling below and drop us an email for a free evaluation of your collection.

    » CHECK OUT: How Do I Sell My Baseball Cards?



Book Value Vs Market Value
The best way to understand what your card or memorabilia item might be worth is to begin by looking at online auction sites like eBay. Do Your Research, you'll be more likely to sell your collection.

Generally most cards and collectibles are available on eBay. Look at eBay.com to see how many of your item are available and the AVERAGE price of sold items. There may be a few results but you can get a feel for what current "Market Value" is for your card. If one sold for $20 and one sold for $1 and 15 listed for $2 - then Market Value is most likely around $2. There's not much incentive for someone to pay $20 for your card, when there are 15 on eBay for $2.

Book Value generally refers to the value a card is given by a particular pricing agency. While a card's Book Value may be $5 based on some pricing source (like Beckett.com) - if there are 15 on eBay for $3, chances are the Market Value is less than the Book Value and you're not likely to easily get the $5 Book Value for your card.

Cards especially are EXTREMELY CONDITION SENSITIVE - ESPECIALLY OLDER CARDS!! Book Value generally refers to cards in MINT CONDITION. It's important to understand how to give your card a condition grade. Overgrading or undergrading can cost you a great deal when selling cards. Higher priced vintage cards are usually in better condition that lesser valued cards - sometimes significantly so grading is very important to realizing your expectations. Especially for vintage cards, before you value your cards, check these resources for how to establish a grade for your cards

Grading Resources

  • Cardboard Connection Guide to Grading
  • eBay - Everything You Need to Know About Grading Baseball Cards

    Professional Grading Services

  • Beckett Grading Services

    What's My Baseball Card Worth? What does the market say?


  • Questions? Contact Us

    Denver Vintage Sports is always available for questions, appraisals or conversations about your collection or individual items.

    Many appraisals start by sharing photos of your items. This helps us gauge the items, types, conditions, etc. and many times, appraisals can be done via email. Always best to prepare by having photos of your items (high-res, front and back) as most times that will be the first thing we ask for.

    Contact us with your questions or for a free review of your items.

    We'll never share your email with anyone else.
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