Baseball Cards & Collectibles Links

What's my baseball card worth??

One of the most frequent questions we get is "What's my Baseball Card Worth?"

A quick way to find the potential value of your card is to look at eBay SOLD ITEMS.
Search eBay Sold Items Using the » EZ eBay Search to find the value of your card

Questions? Contact Us

Denver Vintage Sports is always available for questions, appraisals or conversations about your collection or individual items.

Many appraisals start by sharing photos of your items. This helps us gauge the items, types, conditions, etc. and many times, appraisals can be done via email. Always best to prepare by having photos of your items (high-res, front and back) as most times that will be the first thing we ask for.

Contact us with your questions or for a free review of your items.

We'll never share your email with anyone else.
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